What Are The Types of Garden Hose Reels? (With Pros & Cons)

A garden hose reel is a plastic or metal wheel used to roll up a garden hose and keep it perfectly stowed and ready to use.

Garden hose reels can be fixed permanently next to a house or building, or portable shaped aluminum frame wheels.

Garden hose reels can meet many different needs and are made of different materials, consequently, of heavy-duty steel-resistant plastic.

For the typical home, inexpensive garden hose reels are made of hard plastic carry, usually green. They can come with a manual crank for rewinding the hose on the reel or with a tension design that in turn, automatically rolls the hose roll.

Garden hose reels with the hose installed and filled with water can weigh 50 pounds (23 kilograms) or more. Therefore, when installing the mounting bracket, it is important to attach to house poles.

Best garden hose-reels

Garden hose reels are manufactured to feed the hose in one of two directions: parallel or perpendicular. If you looking forward to buying garden hose reel check this our 8 best-picked garden hose reels.

If you need to pull the hose out, away from the wall or a house, buy a vertical reel. If the reel is mounted on the side of a home or building, a coil in parallel will allow the hose to draw parallel to the wall.

This style is useful for washing the floor of the corridors that run between houses or buildings, or for watering flower beds.

Before we move on,

I’m Vicki J. Stabile, a gardening enthusiast. I’ve been gardening for some years now. I’ve learned about gardening trough these years; care of patio, best profitable plants and other things about home’s outdoor.

I’m here with my pro tips to guide you in your gardening endeavors, and today,

we will be talking about the different types of garden hose reels with their respective pros and cons.

General Types of Hose Reels

For hose retractors or hose drums, there is a wide range from the manufacturer side (which we will still talk about). This is divided into the following two categories;

  • Stationary hose reel
  • Mobile hose reel

Stationary Hose Reel

If your garden is a flexible, not angled area, a fixed wall hose box is recommended. The majority of wall hose reels available on the market have winding support which makes it easier to wind up the water hose.


  • Easy to use
  • Easy storage
  • Short preparation time
  • Easy to handle


  • Low mobility
  • Labor-intensive assembly

Check A Stationary Hose Reel

A big advantage is the easy use of the device. Watering becomes a healthy pastime. The main focus of the work is the casting and not when setting up and stowing the equipment.

As a disadvantage, the optics and low mobility will be considered. The wall tubing drums are relatively large and must be mounted at chest height on the facade of the house or a garden wall.

Although the wall hose drums can be disassembled in a few easy steps, they are not intended for mobile use.

Mobile Hose Reel

Do you have a winding garden with more than a manageable area? Do you have more than a garden to spray, such as the front garden and the main garden? Then a hose cart is recommended.

This offers a mobile solution which can either be carried or rolled from one tap to the next. The models vary significantly in price, and their hose capacity ranges from 10m to 60m.


  • Flexibility in the field of application
  • Low price


  • No winding support
  • Time-consuming assembling and dismantling

Check Best Mobile Hose Reel

The most significant advantage of tube weighing is their mobility and thus flexible insertion area. The disadvantage is that almost all of them are mechanically wound up and there is hardly any mechanical support during winding.

However, some models have a hose guide, which allows the uniform winding of the hose.

The above as we’ve discussed are the general types of the hose reel, but for manufacturers giving us different designs, and these varying designs mean we’ve got the following types of hose reels;

  • Wall Mounted Hose Reel
  • Hose Reel Cart
  • Retractable Hose Reel
  • Metal Hose Reel
  • Heavy Duty Hose Reel
  • Garden Hose Box
  • Decorative Hose Holderose Reel

Wall Mounted Hose Reel   

This is the classic model of the reel, which installs on the wall at the height you want.

This model par excellence will allow you to automatically wind your pipe up to a length of 20 to 35 m depending on the make and model.

You can install the wall dispenser inside and out, depending on your needs.

You should know that the wall model comes in the form of kits in one, which integrates the reel, the automatic storage system and the garden hose and all the tips that will be used to connect the hose to the tap.

Click Here to See Best Wall Mounted Hose Reel


  • There isn’t any need to assemble
  • Almost effortless to install
  • No winding up issues
  • Easy to use.


  • Sometimes issues of leakages appear

Hose Reel Cart

This is the classic reel model. The winding system this time is manual. It is recommended if you have a large surface to work and especially if you have for this purpose many water sources by tap. The reel has a handle that will allow the user to carry it; it is also equipped with two wheels or four depending on the model.


  • They’re aesthetically enriched
  • They’re built sturdy with quality materials
  • Ideal for moving on rough garden areas
  • Proper handle always added.


  • These hose reels get rusted over time

Check Best Hose Reel Cart

Retractable Hose Reel

As part of the automatic reel, the retractable hose rewinding system is automated.

This means that you have to pull on the pipe according to the necessary length. By merely back and forth, you can wind and rewind the pipe as you wish.

The reel for this purpose is equipped with a spring system that generates the tension for automatic winding. This automated system can also be seen in wall reels.

Check Out Best Retractable Hose Reel


  • Easy to use
  • Low manual cranking required
  • Good on plants


  • Obstruction in retracting occurs for no reason

Metal Hose Reel

Metal hose reels are garden hose reels which are built with metals. These hose reels can fall in between mobile and non-mobile general type of garden reels.

Top brands in the market that develop these kinds of reels ensure that it’s winding and unwinding is easy to do.

Check Out Best Metal Hose Reel


  • Metal material ensures durability
  • It’s equally comfortable to use
  • No need to worry about stressful installation.
  • Some models are mobile
  • Ensures the garden is covered


  • Just like every metal product, rusting is its biggest enemy.

Heavy Duty Hose Reel

This heavy-duty hose reel is a very durable garden hose reel are available in aluminum or steel.

Some feature Quick-remove mechanisms that allow the entire coil to detach from the mounting structure. This can be useful for vacations or winter storage in harsh climates.

Heavy-duty garden hose reels can also be used for industrial purposes. Most heavy duty hose reels are built sturdy and equipped with steel support. They’re mostly made for mobile purposes; mounted on a tubular foot. The reel can be easily carried where necessary and placed on the ground during use.

If you consider a garden hose reel, make sure that the model you choose is rated for the length of the hose you are going to use. Most garden hose reels do not come with a hose.

Check Out Best Heavy Duty Hose Reel


  • Covers vast area of the garden
  • Can be used for industrial purposes
  • Effortless mobility
  • Built sturdy
  • Easy to handle


  • Not suitable for gardens

Garden Hose Box

This is a very different design from the rest; it is built like a box which stores and protects the garden hose from factors which might destroy your hose or the reel itself. These reels notwithstanding the brand mostly feature an automatic hose retraction ability. These garden hose reels give the garden a nice tech look plus comfort.

Check Out Best Garden Hose Reel


  • Aesthetic design
  • Automatic retraction
  • Easy to use
  • Easy to install
  • Offers extra protection for hose
  • Durable
  • Prevents water leak


  • Winding the hose might stop for no reason.

Decorative Hose Holders Reel

Talk about the established gardens with a royal look. Hardy will you come across any without these decorative garden hose reel. These reels even though their second primary aim is to beautify your garden, they’re also built to ensure that they work efficiently—at least top brands. Just like it’s a beautiful look, its service is excellent.


  • They’re built for beautification
  • They’re easy to install
  • Easy handling and usage
  • It is made durable
  • Protects the hose well.


  • Water leak might occur.

Check Out Best Decorative Hose Holders Reel

Is it Mandatory to Store the Hose after Each Use?

Of course, the answer is yes. After each use, it is necessary to store the hose after watering. It is first of all essential to keeping your pipe long enough. If you twist it too often or in any direction, the hose may leak. This is even more serious for PVC pipes, which, as they are exposed to the sun, eventually crack. You also have the risk of seeing your pipe punctured by other gardening accessories.

Also, if you have children at home, we strongly recommend that you take an automatic reel to minimize the risk of accidents and falls due to a hose that has not been rolled up.

Final Words

I’ve touched the types of garden hose reels which are available in the market today.

These reels are of course to be bought by your needs, and we cannot say that one is better than the other. Just like Twitter and Facebook are social media networks, they still don’t compete with each other.

I hope you enjoyed your read! 

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